Get Started with a Clarity Call
How to Create Your New Way of Being
Introducing The Inner Clarity System
by Emily Penton
Feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless is the false reality that comes with contaminated thinking.

The food we eat is the first pollutant that creates the physical distress in our brains. The wrong combination of foods plus over-processed and imitation foods locks us into cravings and inflammation.  So, the brain and the body have diminished capacity.

We use excessive medications to feel better and overcome the brain fog.  But the toxic accumulation of chemicals becomes ineffective and the residue builds. Beware of polypharmacy, the simultaneous use of multiple drugs to treat one or more conditions by a single patient.

We may have been trained to think by people who weren’t very good at it themselves.  So understanding is weak. Wisdom is missing.  Guilt about the past and anxiety of the future obscure the clarity of the present.

Bad food, unnecessary medication and crippled thinking create a powerful trifecta overlording our lives.  This is no way to live.

Emily Penton proposes a new way of freedom. Creating a way of living that guarantees clarity, purpose and simplicity is the key to your being: a vibrant healthy body, a strong clear mind, and a true spirit.  And this peaceful transformation is attainable only through the Inner Clarity System.

We didn’t see it coming…
Over the past 50 years two parallel trends have been gaslighting our minds with false hope and false health.  We were led to believe that processed foods with laboratory ingredients that imitate real food taste and texture are better than natural foods.

We became dependent on medications to regulate our feelings so much that we had no pain, but no joy either.  Food as medicine became a lost science.

The control of the agricultural industry and the pharmaceutical industry go hand in hand to keep us from remembering the simple living that works.  Imitation foods and psychotropics are synergistic agents that demand our life blood.

The new formula for transformation is Clarity!
Clarity = Capacity minus Contamination.

The Inner Clarity System shows how to simplify your life.  You learn to eliminate the food that is killing you.  You find out if you even need medication to feel good. Strategies of minimalism and meditation combine to produce true hope and resilient health.

Who is this for?
This system is designed to help people addicted to sugar, carbs, and processed foods.  But it’s goes much deeper.  Clients may suffer from brain fog, mental illness, and metabolic dysfunction.  They may be depressed, feel out of control, or feel like a failure.

The Inner Clarity System is one on one coaching that helps clients resolve all symptoms and escape from debilitating mental illness.  They gain control of their lives again.  They find mental clarity, stability, and peace.

The transformation is gentle and easy to accomplish with a daily coaching process.

Can I get a witness?
Trina had been struggling for years with brain fog and relapses that compounded her  anxiety.  She tried “every drug” to no avail.  She tried all the various diets and never got one to stick. After doing “literally everything” to find healing, she had given up.

But, thankfully, she found Inner Clarity System with Emily Penton as her coach. Trina experienced a beautiful transformation that her friends and family could hardly believe.

For a video of Trina’s testimonial and other testimonials go here.

Living in an artificial world…
The world view that synthetic food and synthetic drugs are manmade miracles is the REAL problem.  Almost everyone believes this conditioned point of view. And they demand that you believe it too.  It’s not your fault that you’ve been swept up into this thinking.  But is it true?

Living from a stance of inner wisdom helps you see and avoid what’s not good for you. Actually, you’re not broken, you’re brilliant!  There is a more natural way to thrive.

For the love of money!
A commercial ad that ran in the 50’s touted that Doctors smoke Camels more than any other cigarette.  A half century later a commercial ran saying studies show you can reduce your cholesterol by eating Honey Nut Cheerios. Absurd!

It seems the cartel of corporate advertisers is able to convince us of anything if they repeat the fables long enough.

There are billions of dollars spent every year by Big Ag and Big Pharma to persuade us that the only way to be happy is to have the right combinations of drugs and processed foods.  Our society succumbs to their mental pollution.

It's time for a change…
We all live finite lives.  And living a fulfilling life with friends and loved ones is precious.  Why waste it all sadly coping with mental fog and joylessness?  Missing your true self in your true life would be a terrible waste.

Mental illness and auto-immune diseases tend to be progressive.  Don’t let those degenerative conditions grow to become inescapable.  This timely message is for you today!  

Emily’s Story
Emily Penton is the founder of the Inner Clarity System.  It is so profound and almost unbelievable that she even survived.  But her transformation could be your transformation too.  Here’s what happened:

Just 6 years ago I had debilitating mental illness and brain fog. I had no hope. I thought I was worthless and useless. I thought I would only continue to fail.

I was on 900 mg of Lithium, 80 mg of Prozac, 80 mg of Adderall just to get out of bed every day and Ambien to sleep every night.

I was so overweight that I didn’t even TRY to lose weight. In my mind, it was pointless because I always needed a dessert at every meal, and I ALWAYS needed endless snacks every couple of hours.

I hurt all over my body. Many joints and muscles. Everything was sore or in intense pain. I took 800 mg + a day of ibuprofen.

I felt like I was drowning and unable to tread water. I felt like any effort was futile because I was going to continue to let every single person in my life down.

I was ALWAYS over heated. I could never cool down or come to a baseline temperature.

I was so used to believing everything others said about me that I was worthless and a disappointment.

I experienced extreme fatigue. I was constantly tired. If I ever had a day off or a day to myself, all I wanted to do was sleep. I could sleep all day and night.

The only way I saw out was to apply for disability. I couldn’t see how I could sustain life any other way.

I was always feeling so alone and so sad and so hurt. My feelings were very raw and vulnerable.

I felt so stupid for all the failed marriages/relationships and jobs.

I NEVER wanted to do anything social with ANYONE. It was such a chore and so painful to do anything social. It would take me a week to recover from any social event.

I would become paralyzed and not be able to pick up my phone and answer a call or a text or an email.

I would look at other people in their happy little lives and wonder why I couldn’t have a happy life.

I was irritated and annoyed by everything and everyone. I was in a constant state of agitation.

I would have to escape to mind numbing activities like simple matching games on my phone or watching crime mystery shows that solved the case in 45 mins so that I could experience peace... finally.

I couldn’t bend over to tie my shoes. I’d have to hold my breath and bend over to tie it really quick. I would get lightheaded every time I bent over because I wasn’t getting enough oxygen.

I couldn’t read articles or long posts or books. I had zero ability to focus. I could only watch short 5-10 minute videos.

I knew that I had potential inside of me, but I felt paralyzed to do anything about it.

I couldn’t feel, see, or hear God. I felt so distant from Him.

But just 4 years ago, I learned the principles of eating simply, and understanding the principles behind clarity.  (All of the principles I coach in my new Inner Clarity System)


I haven’t had symptoms of mental illness or brain fog in almost 4 years. I have hope for my future. I can see that I am able to do great things.

I have been off all psych meds for 4 years now.

I’ve been at 130 lbs. now for almost four years. I don’t think about food cravings. It does not control my thoughts at all.

I have no body pain. I never take ibuprofen.

I know that whatever comes my way, I can get through it and see a way to overcome it.

I have NO problems with thermoregulation anymore.

I KNOW who I am, and I see that I am powerful and capable of whatever I put my mind to.

I can get up easily every morning without even the use of caffeine. I get up, do my meditation, prayer and scripture reading and go workout 5 days a week.

I work full time and I no longer consider taking disability.

I never feel alone now. I have ME with me all the time and I really like her. We are best friends now.

I can look back now and understand that my failed marriages and relationships were just where I was at the time, and they are not a reflection of who I am as a person.

I enjoy social gatherings now with friends and family. They fuel me instead of draining me.

I am no longer paralyzed to respond to an email or call or text.

I look at other peoples’ lives and I am genuinely happy for them. I don’t want their life because I am so in love with my own.

I am rarely irritated or annoyed now. Peaceful and joyful is my most common state now.

I NEVER have to waste my time on games or TV to relax now. I’m constantly entertained with my life. I feel no need to escape it.

I can easily bend over to tie my shoes now. I do CrossFit at 5 am 5 days a week.

I can now read articles, long posts, and books with little problem. I can focus on hour and a half long videos.

I still know my potential but now I am able to see it actively coming to life.

I feel, see, and hear God DAILY. He is constantly guiding me.

I am free and I love to see my coaching clients become free.

The Inner Clarity System
Emily Penton developed the Inner Clarity System for her clients after discovering the principles that gave her a personal transformation.  Emily has a Master’s in Clinical Counseling, and she is your personal coach through the whole 8-week program.

You’ll have an interactive program designed to help you progress step by step.  You communicate with Emily with a phone app called Marco Polo.  This private access is daily as needed. There are 4 private scheduled Zoom sessions for more in-depth coaching.  You have lifetime access to scheduled group sessions.

This coaching system helps you to find a simple diet that works to heal your body and mind. You will learn that you are at your best when you’ve got nothing on your mind.  Mental clarity brings high performance, good decisions, and creative solutions.  The mind is a self-correction system always returning to clarity.  Insight yields impact and results.  Expect a transformation of mind, body, and spirit with this personal coaching system.

Your personal transformation with individualized coaching:

The Inner Clarity System is only $6,500.

Financing is available.

How to get started:
Since the Inner Clarity System is a tailored personal coaching system that produces transformational results, there are only a few openings at any given time.

It is important that you feel comfortable with your coach Emily Penton and that you both find a mutual working relationship.

That’s why you must qualify with a Clarity Call.  This call is an actual coaching session where you will get valuable help and a new understanding.

The cost of the Clarity Call is $111 so that Emily knows you are committed to the process as necessary.  If you are not completely satisfied you get a full refund.

With the Clarity Call experience, you will know if you want to go forward with the complete Inner Clarity System.

Option #1
So, you can do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.  If you have any mental illness or progressive disease, you are aware of potential future consequences.

Option #2
You can try to do this yourself.  Complete transformations are hard to come by when there is so much contradictory information to research.  Maybe you’ve already gone through multiple diets and various medications.  Holding yourself accountable is key.  But it is possible that eventually you’ll find a way.

Option #3
Let Emily Penton do the heavy lifting for you. You’ll be using a proven system. You’ll have a coach to keep you accountable and on track.  You’ll get your transformation no matter what the obstacle.

Here’s what to do next…

If you feel like you want to have a coach, and you want to see what it’s like working with a professional, take this opportunity to find out.  Set up a Clarity Call with Emily Penton here:

Set up your Clarity Call with Emily
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